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Stone Purse

Randomly gives one of 9 stones: Mana Stone, Health Stone, 100% Upgrade Rune, Reflect Token, etc


Critical Stone

Increases your critical hit chance by 0.1% per stone, up to 20% with 200 stones. Each stone also increases your critical hit chance by 1 point


Dodge Stone

Increases your dodge chance by 0.01% per stone, up to 20% with 200 stones. Each stone also increases your evasion by 1 point


Reflect Token

Increases your reflect chance by 0.01% per stone, up to 20% with 200 stones. Each stone also increases your evasion by 1 point


Health Stone

Increases your health point by 250HP per stone, 5000HP with 20 stones. Each stone also increases your evasion by 1 point


Mana Stone

Increases your mana point by 250MP per stone, 5000MP with 20 stones. Each stone also increases your evasion by 1 point


Bonus Stone

 Use it on item to get some bonus (hp, mp, melee, dist, mlvl, shield)

Max 5%


Bonus Remover

Removes an additional bonus from an item


Upgrade Stone

You can upgrade equipment to +9. But watch out! If you fail, the item level drops by 1 level


Upgrade Rune (100%)

You can upgrade equipment to +9. This item never fail


Common Stone

Stone used to collect free rewards in the depot

They automatically fall into your backpack


Rare Stone

Stone used to collect free rewards in the depot

They automatically fall into your backpack


Legendary Stone

Stone used to collect free rewards in the depot

They automatically fall into your backpack


Magic Potion

It will boost your Magic Level by 5 for one hour


Melee Potion

It will boost your club, sword, axe and distance by 5 for one hour

Glass of Goo

Max Health Potion

It will refill your health completely

Vial of Cactus Milk

Max Mana Potion

It will refill your mana completely


Exercise Coin

Five exercise coin trade for a training weapons

Training Bow

Training bow that has 9999 charges. It can only be wielded properly by paladins, royal paladins, hunters, demon hunters

Training Sword

Training sword that has 9999 charges. It can only be wielded properly by knights, elite knights, gladiators, death knights

Training Axe

Training axe that has 9999 charges. It can only be wielded properly by knights, elite knights, gladiators, death knights

Training Club

Training club that has 9999 charges. It can only be wielded properly by knights, elite knights, gladiators, death knights

Training Wand

Training wand that has 9999 charges. It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers, master sorcerers, witchers, warlocks

Training Rod

Training wand that has 9999 charges. It can only be wielded properly by druids, elder druids, priests, shamans

Exp Box

Randomly gives one of 5 boosts: 10%, 20%, 30%, 50% or 80%


Exp Boost 10%

Use it to get 10% exp boost for one hour


Exp Boost 20%

Use it to get 20% exp boost for one hour


Exp Boost 30%

Use it to get 30% exp boost for one hour


Exp Boost 50%

Use it to get 50% exp boost for one hour


Exp Boost 80%

Use it to get 80% exp boost for one hour


Level Book

Use it to get 25kk experience each book

Two thousand hunting points trade for a level book at NPC Maxigashi


Cudowny Plecak

36 slots

Regenerate 30 hp/sec i 30 mana/sec



Crafted Sniper Backpack

36 slots

Regenerate 50 hp/sec i 50 mana/sec



Crafted Gladiator Backpack

36 slots

Regenerate 50 hp/sec i 50 mana/sec



Crafted Mage Backpack

36 slots

Regenerate 50 hp/sec i 50 mana/sec



Legendary Backpack

36 slots

All skills +1

Regenerate 80 hp/sec i 80 mana/sec



Second Promotion Doll

Use it to gain second promotion, a new profession unlocks new skills

(Quest 250+)

Ferumbras Doll

Third Promotion Doll

To use it, you need a second promotion, use it to gain third promotion, a new profession unlocks new skills

(Quest 500+)


Addon Doll

Use the command to add the selected outfit

!addon nameoutfit


Dragon Lord Doll

Doll needed to complete Lost City access

Plushie of Mythica Mage

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Alley Shambler

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Gravenight

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Icewraith

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Swamplurker

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Sandstalker

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Gaz'Haragoth

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Lavascourge

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Mefisto

Plushie needed for mission

Plushie of Antex

Plushie needed for mission

Perfect Rose

The Perfect Rose for an Apology (mission)

Dwarf guard
Dwarf guard
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Players: 18
Accounts: 399
Characters: 629
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