Words | Description |
!buyhouse | Buy house you are looking at |
!tp | Available destinations: house, events, temple |
!bp | Create backpack cost 50 gold coins |
!serverinfo | Check server rates |
!online | Check who is online |
!bless | Buy Blessings. |
!spells |
Check avaible spells on your level and vocation |
!promotion |
Buy promotion |
!dodge |
Check Your dodge status |
!critical |
Check Your critical status |
!frags |
Check how much frags You got |
!aol |
Buy amulet of loss |
!charinfo |
Check information about your character |
!bosscheck |
Check information about cooldown for bosses |
!pointscheck |
Check information about how many hunting points you have |
!expcheck |
Check information about used boost |
!pz |
Check how much is left |
!lootboost |
Check if you have any loot boost active and how long |
!points |
Skill points system (every 10 levels you get 3 points to spend) |
!bank |
BankSystem (displays us all commands related to the bank) |
!bank balance |
Checks our bank balance |
!bank deposit, XXXX |
with this command we can deposit gold in the bank (!bank depositall < deposit all gold from your all bps in the bank) |
!bank withdraw, XXXX |
with this command we can withdraw gold from the bank (!bank withdrawall < withdraw all gold from bank into your bp, look out for SPACE/CAP) |
Status: | ![]() |
Players: | 4 |
Accounts: | 432 |
Characters: | 669 |